Rundown: Week Ending 2/14/14
1st and 2nd Period Graphic Design
In honor of Valentine's Day, we took a detour from our usual design work to focus on the subject of love. Students watched a brief video about paper cut artist Rob Ryan, then trying to emulate his aesthetic, created original digital "paper cut" art in Photoshop. Visit the full gallery HERE.
Handmade Portraits: Rob Ryan from Etsy on Vimeo.
4th and 6th Period Graphic Design
As an introduction to Photoshop Elements and to many of the tools we'll be using on our personal portrait assignments, we created a digital initial artwork and colored them using a complementary color scheme.
5th Period Animation Lab
As a Valentine's Day challenge, students worked as a team to develop the animated gif below. Students were tasked with organizing themselves and dividing up the work to make sure each student completed 4 frames of the sequence. While the class was not ultimately successful in meeting this challenge, they all said they learned for the future how best to organize themselves to complete a team task.
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