Book Cover PS Practice
To get comfortable placing photos and editing a document in Photoshop, today and tomorrow we'll be creating a book cover based on an image from Think of your favorite book, or a book that you are familiar with. You will be creating a new cover for that book based on a piece of art you find at Be sure to think of the book's themes or characters to help you decide what piece of art you feel best represents it. You can also think of how the book made you feel when choosing imagery. THIS is an important role of the designer. To think about how something made you think or feel and try to design work based on those intangible (things you can't see or touch) elements.
- Create a new folder called "moma book"
- Create a new Photoshop document that's 8 in wide by 10 in tall, 300 ppi called "2_lastname_momabook"
- At, find an image that you feel best fits the theme or content of your chosen book.
- SAVE that image to your "moma book" folder
- PLACE the image on your document.
- Arrange the images and required text (see below)
- Your book cover must include at least one image PLACED on from the website that you think fits the book you've chosen.
- Book title must be present
- Book author must be present
- No offensive images or text
- If your book is an award winner, see if you can add text or images related to that award
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