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Design Principle: PATTERN

It's very likely you already know what "pattern" means, but in art and design, PATTERN is defined as "The repeating of an object or symbol all over the piece of art or design."  This week, we'll be creating some patterns like the sample below using ABSTRACT and REPRESENTATIONAL images.  Then, you'll use the CUSTOM SHAPE tool in Photoshop to create your own POP ART Louis-Vuitton-style pattern.

PATTERN: the repeating of an object or symbol all over the piece of art or design.


Blog Post: Abstract vs. Representational and Blur

Now that we've spent time studying how using abstract and representational images against each other to make things interesting and direct the viewer's eye, write a blog post about it!

Title: (something about contrast, abstract images, representational images, and blur)


  • Write about what happens to the viewer of a piece of art or design when we place abstract images and representational images next to each other.  
  • Define what abstract images and representational images are.
  • Write about what happens to the viewer of a piece of art or design when we place in focus iamges next to blurred images.
  • Place examples of your work to show the concepts.
  • How do you think blur can help designers of ads or product packaging?
  • If you can, find an example of this!



Digital Art: Using Blur & Abstract/Representational Images


On a new document that's 8.5 in x 11 in, 300 ppi called "2_lastname_blurart"

Find a photo of a person's face.  SAVE it to your CONTRAST folder.

Find 2 or 3 pieces of abstract art and SAVE them to your CONTRAST folder.

PLACE your face photo on your document.

USE blur tools and CUT pieces of your abstract art pieces to replace facial features, skin or hair.

Make it look interesting.


Activity: CONTRAST - Abstract and Blur

Process 1:

  • Make a new folder called "Contrast"
  • Create a new file called "2_lastname_abstract" that's 11 inches wide by 8.5 inches tall, 300 ppi
  • Hit CTRL+SHIFT+R to turn on ruler
  • From the left, drag a vertical guide at 5.5 inches
  • Find two HIGH-RES images online.  One REPRESENTATIONAL, meaning that it looks like something familiar.  The other, ABSTRACT, meaning it is art or a texture that doesn't necessarily look like anything recognizable.  
  • PLACE each of the images and crop and move them to fit the spaces.
  • Once your images are in place, SAVE your PSD
  • SAVE a JPG and turn it in to "abrstract"

Process 2:

  • Open your "2_lastname_abstract" file.
  • SAVE AS "2_lastname_abstractblur.psd" in your Contrast folder.
  • Delete one of your image layers
  • PLACE the image back on your document.
  • BLUR this image until it isn't recognizable. FILTER>BLUR>GAUSSIAN BLUR
  • Crop and move it into place.
  • Once your images are in place, SAVE your PSD
  • SAVE a JPG and turn it in to "abstractblur"

Elements of Art Blog Comment Party!

Visit the following document and find four blogs to visit.  Look specifically at their Elements of Art blog post.  Comment on each post with the following:

  • Your name
  • Which piece of art they chose do you think works best for the chosen element of art? Explain.
  • Which piece do you think would work best for another element?  Which one and why?
  • Give some words of encouragement on their blog.  What do you like?

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